Yield DAO protocol highest fixed APY in DAO crypto.


StormYield opts for the Solidproof.io audit — Previously you need to know, Storm Yield is next gen crypto and Yield DAO protocol highest fixed APY in DAO crypto.

STY is sweeping through the Defi world with its unique Storm Yield Protocol, which offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards holders with a sustainable fixed compound interest.

Buy-Hold-Earn $STY for the highest fixed APY in Crypto, compounded every 5 minutes. Watch your portfolio grow faster than lighting right in your wallet.

What service does the StormYield Finance provide? StormYield Finance (STY) offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards holders with sustainable fixed compound interest income through the use of its unique STY protocol.

How does Auto-Compounding work? The STY Auto-Compound feature employs a simple Hold to Earn mechanism where you can receive rebase rewards as interest payments directly into your wallet just by holding the $STY token.

STY enables $STY tokens to be paid directly proportional to the epoch rebase rewards. With Crypto’s highest paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding protocol and the greatest fixed APY in the industry at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY token receive auto-compounded interest reward worth 0.00838% every 5 minutes.

StormYield Finance provide an innovative, highest and easiest mechanism to earn profit from staking $STY by applying the power of compounding interest.

StormYield — Audit Solidproof.io

During the 04th of April 2022, Storm Yield Team engaged Solidproof.io to audit smart contracts that they created. The engagement was technical in nature and focused on identifying security flaws in the design and implementation of the contracts. They provided Solidproof.io with access to their code repository and whitepaper.

SolidProof.io Reports represent an extensive auditing process intending to help our customers increase the quality of their code while reducing the high level of risk presented by cryptographic tokens and blockchain technology. Blockchain technology and cryptographic assets present a high level of ongoing risk.

SolidProof’s position is that each company and individual are responsible for their own due diligence and continuous security. SolidProof in no way claims any guarantee of security or functionality of the technology we agree to analyze.

SolidProof.io reports are not, nor should be considered, an endorsement or disapproval of any particular project or team. These reports are not, nor should be considered, an indication of the economics or value of any product or asset created by any team. SolidProof.io do not cover testing or auditing the integration with external contract or services (such as Unicrypt, Uniswap, PancakeSwap, etc).

SolidProof.io Audits do not provide any warranty or guarantee regarding the absolute bug- free nature of the technology analyzed, nor do they provide any indication of the technology proprietors. SolidProof Audits should not be used in any way to make decisions around investment or involvement with any particular project. These reports in no way provide investment advice, nor should be leveraged as investment advice of any sort.

Audit Techniques and Strategies

During the review process, attention is paid to evaluating the repository for issues related to security, code quality, and compliance with specifications and best practices. To do so, review line by line by our team of expert pentesters and smart contract developers, who document any issues found.

The auditing process follows a routine series of steps:

  1. Code review that includes the following:
  • Review of the specifications, sources, and instructions provided to SolidProof to make sure we understand the size, scope, and functionality of the smart contract.
  • Manual review of code, which is the process of reading source code line byline in an attempt to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Comparison to specification, which is the process of checking whether the code does what the specifications, sources, and instructions provided to SolidProof describe.

2. Testing and automated analysis that includes the following:

  • Test coverage analysis, which is the process of determining whether the test cases are actually covering the code and how much code is exercised when we run those test cases.
  • Symbolic execution, which is analysing a program to determine what inputs causes each part of a program to execute.

3. Best practices review, which is a review of the smart contracts to improve efficiency, effectiveness, clarify, maintainability, security, and control based on the established industry and academic practices, recommendations, and research.

4. Specific, itemized, actionable recommendations to help you take steps to secure your smart contracts.

Scope of Work/Verify Claims

The above token Team provided us with the files that needs to be tested (Github, Bscscan, Etherscan, files, etc.). The scope of the audit is the main contract (usual the same name as team appended with .sol).

We will verify the following claims:

  • Correct implementation of Token standard
  • Deployer cannot mint any new tokens
  • Deployer cannot burn or lock user funds
  • Deployer cannot pause the contract
  • Overall checkup (Smart Contract Security

Tested Contract Files

This audit covered the following files listed below with a SHA-1 Hash. A file with a different Hash has been modified, intentionally or otherwise, after the security review. A different Hash could be (but not necessarily) an indication of a changed condition or potential vulnerability that was not within the scope of this review.

Social Media and Author Identity

Follow StormYield Finance on social platforms:

Website: https://stormyield.finance/

Telegram Groups: https://t.me/stormyieldglobalchat

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/stormyieldfinance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stormyield

Medium: https://medium.com/@stormyieldfinance

Discord: https://discord.gg/Q9WAauv78v

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/StormYieldFinance


Forum Username: xilaxol
BSC Wallet Address: 0xB271e79090F64D1304D377EFA49885779e94a6eD



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