HORGI TOKEN - NFT staking and locked liquidity.



Memcoins are not new in the world of cryptocurrencies. The most famous of these are Dogecoin, which was created in 2013 as a joke, and Shiba Inu, created in 2020. Since their inception, they have seen a lot of price action and huge profits. It's safe to say that meme coins are now an integral part of the cryptocurrency world and have definitely stayed. Those who initially wrote them off were disappointed. As the name suggests, meme coins are simply meme-obsessed cryptocurrency assets. Dogs are a popular choice of pets and the topic of dogs in meme coins is widely accepted by investors, and popular cryptocurrency exchanges have acknowledged this by listing them. Thus, the HORGI token is a meme coin based on the horgi dog, which is a mixed breed of dog. Although they are small, they are known to be loyal, intelligent, full of energy and playful. The HORGI badge is meant to reflect the attributes of this incredibly cute dog breed. HORGI is the newest dog-themed memcoin on the Binance Smart Chain. This is memcoin, 100% community driven. The community is an integral part of the HORGI token project.

Mission Vision

Our mission is to create a widespread, popular and valuable tokenized asset; we aim to offer a new and reliable cryptocurrency in the form of the HORGI token. We also aim to provide a platform where investors can enjoy the benefits of NFT staking and locked liquidity. With transparent and secure transactions, a dynamic and active community that creates value, we strive to create a brand that will bring great returns to investors. The HORGI token is a meme-coin with a revolutionary canine-themed NFT ecosystem. Our token provides privacy, security, power and autonomy.


The HORGI ecosystem is based on three important features: NFTS rates, locked liquidity and an active community.

  • NFT staking : HORGI NFT with staking functionality is planned to be released in the future. Our NFT holders will be able to stake them on a reward. The betting platform will be verified and SAFU (Safe Assets Fund for Users). This is politely one of the safest and most environmentally friendly ways to generate passive income in cryptocurrencies. HORGI NFT staking will be another way to profit by simply holding precious NFTs while the value continues to rise over time. If you are an NFT lover and interested in generating passive income by holding and staking them, this is the place for you.

  • Locked Liquidity : Liquidity is locked by relinquishing control of Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens for a specified period of time by sending them to a temporary lock smart contract. Without control of LP tokens, developers cannot withdraw funds from the liquidity pool. The liquidity box is a SAFU measure that protects against malicious activity by preventing developers from accessing LP funds. The HORGI LP token lock link can be found on the website.

  • Vibrant Community : The importance of an active and active community in any successful cryptocurrency project cannot be overestimated. The price of any token is directly proportional to the level of involvement and activity of the community behind it. HORGI Token has a close-knit community that is constantly involved in ensuring the success of the project. As the community grows and expands, the HORGI brand becomes more valuable. In this project, a lot of effort is being made to involve the community. This is the only way to ensure acceptability and a significant increase in the price of the token.

dvantages of Horgi

  • Community : One of the most important features of the HORGI token is that it is run by a fun and active community of meme coin lovers. Our energetic and upbeat community members are always ready to support activities that add value to the brand, making HORGI one of the best dog meme tokens in the crypto space.

  • Multi-chain bridges : As stated in the roadmap, bridges are available with other networks such as ETH, FTM and POLYGON. This opens up the token to investors on other networks, ensuring a steady influx of new investors and price increases. In addition, the maximum amount per wallet is 3% of the total volume, and the maximum transaction amount is limited to 1% of the total volume, which is 1 billion tokens. This vital anti-whale and dump feature ensures that the price of the token cannot be easily manipulated.

  • Safe and secure : Another important feature of the HORGI token is that its smart contract has been verified and liquidity is locked. It is beneficial that it has a fast and secure ecosystem, and the risk for investors is zero. This protects the community from potential attackers.


Our mіѕѕіоn іѕ tо сrеаtе a widely ассерtеd, рорulаr аnd vаluаblе tоkеnіzеd аѕѕеt; wе aim to оffеr a nеw аnd rеlіаblе сrурtосurrеnсу іn the fоrm оf thе HORGI token. Wе аlѕо аіm tо рrоvіdе a рlаtfоrm whеrе іnvеѕtоrѕ еnjоу thе bеnеfіtѕ оf NFTs ѕtаkіng аnd lосkеd lіԛuіdіtу. Wіth trаnѕраrеnt аnd secure transactions, a vіbrаnt аnd асtіvе соmmunіtу thаt сrеаtеѕ vаluе, wе аіm tо buіld a brаnd thrоugh whісh the іnvеѕtоrѕ еnjоу a lоt оf rеturnѕ. HORGI tоkеn іѕ a mеmе соіn thаt has a revolutionary есоѕуѕtеm оf dоg-thеmеd NFTѕ. Our tоkеn еnѕurеѕ thе mаіntеnаnсе оf рrіvасу, ѕесurіtу, роwеr, аnd аutоnоmу.




Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3385257
Telegram username: @Loxalix
BEP-20/ERC-20 Wallet Address: 0xC2795e7468E17b104bD9Fdc5bff22E3508d027f3


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