Lepasa is an anime-style 2D shooter that promises a unique gaming experience


The story of Lepasa is of an ancient and yet timeless legend.
Legendaries of the Greek mythology, crafted with excellence and backed by the power of NFT. Legendaries that draw the wonder of the
underworld and the underworld itself.

The story begins with a myth, that of Orpheus, a lyre player.
Orpheus was gifted with music, and this drove him to the depths of the
underworld, to meet the Muses and to discover their secrets.
Orpheus was a philanderer and he spent too much time with women.
When he fell in love with Eurydice, his wife, she attempted to leave
with him, and Orpheus, with jealousy, pursued her.

Eurydice died in his pursuit of her. The gods were outraged, and
they punished Orpheus by binding him to the very lyre he had made.
As punishment, he could no longer play, and every time he tried to
play the strings would snap.
Orpheus was heartbroken, and he went searching for the Muses in the
depths of the underworld.
There, in the cave, Orpheus found his greatest secret:
the crystalline cave.

The cave was hewn out of the living rock, and inside was a vast
crystal, the most beautiful thing he had ever set his eyes upon.
The cave was enchanted, and whenever Orpheus played, the crystalline
cave would sing, and it would sing a song of rebirth and rebirth.
Orpheus played and sang, and the cave sang
Lepasa is, a mythological creature, who was known to feed off
magical herbs. The Lepasa community will pay a bounty for each
herb caught within the Lepasa community mesh. But beware, the
community mesh is inhabited by mythical creatures as well.
Farming the Lepasa community mesh is risky. If a hunter fails to
harvest the Lepasa herb, it will respawn.
Lepasa will also spawn in wilds nearby.
The Lepasa community mesh gives access to special herbs that
can be harvested, using NFT, to give a special debuff to enemies
and buffs to allies.

Each Lepasa has a bounty attached to it. The bounty is $10.00
per Lepasa herb, however, since Lepasas spawn in wilds, this
bounty is randomized.
When the bounty is 0, the Lepasa will appear. When the bounty is
above 0, the Lepasa will not spawn.
The Lepasa bounty is cumulative. Each time a Lepasa is harvested,
the Lepasa bounty increases by 10.00.
Inhabitants of the Lepasa community mesh pay a bounty for
harvesting the Lepasa herb.
Inhabitants of the Lepasa community mesh pay a bounty for
harvesting the Lepasa herb.
Investment in lepasa is instant mining and ingots, that provide instant

To know more about investment lepasa, click here.
Lepasa is an anime-style 2D shooter that promises a
unique gaming experience. The upcoming game offers fast-paced
gameplay, rich graphics, and witty character dialogue.
Lepasa is planned for release in 2018.
Lepasa is a decentralized application platform. Applications on Lepasa are secured by smart contracts and built on Ethereum blockchain.
Each application has their own wallet and ERC-20 token.
The wallet is both a wallet and a platform. The wallet is for payment and the storage of applications.

Wallets include multiple types of data storage. Storage spaces are encrypted with private and public keys.
The wallet can import existing ERC20 tokens.
Each application has its own token.
The token is the native currency of the platform. Applications are paid for with tokens.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, mythology was everywhere. Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, French, Russian, British, Greek, Egyptian, and Japanese mythologies were not just stories, they were whole systems of thought, of philosophy, of politics, and of morality. Belief in gods was not just theological, it was political, social, philosophical, psychological, and economic.

Now, if you were a naturalist, a materialist, an atheist, or any kind of sceptic, you had to deny these myths. But if you were a naturalist, a materialist, an atheist, or any kind of sceptic, you had to deny these myths.
But if you were a naturalist, a materialist, an atheist, or any kind of sceptic, you had to deny that NFT had the power that would let you live in a universe where mythologies were real.

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