Affitrum suggests transforming the digital advertising sector using Web3 and AI algorithms
In today’s digital advertising ecosystem, centralized platforms have monopolized user data, generating privacy issues and leading to an uneven revenue distribution among content producers. By creating an AI-powered algorithm and a Web 3.0-based advertising platform that puts an emphasis on openness, efficiency, and individual control, our initiative aims to upend the present advertising economy. The platform will enable open communication between businesses and their target audiences while also providing fair pay for content providers via blockchain technology. About Affitrum Affitrum is a revolutionary effort in digital advertising that leverages Web3 and AI algorithms to address issues in the advertising industry. The project’s objectives are to decrease or completely eradicate fraud, enhance user privacy, and fairly reward all parties. Join us on this thrilling voyage and help us set the route for the future of digital advertising. A distributed digital ledger called Affitrum ...